Reversing Falls Sanctuary joins Acadia National Park in its Centennial Celebration 2016 with this exciting project - Acadia: Nature as Teacher.
The environs of Acadia National Park have attracted artists and writers since before the park’s inception in 1916. From nineteenth century painter Frederic Church to the park’s first poet laureate, Christian Barter, named in 2015, a wide range of creative acolytes have been influenced by the sublime natural world of Acadia.
This year, RFS has invited eighteen artists and writers from the Blue Hill Peninsula to visit the park and create art inspired by their experiences. Over the spring and summer, project coordinators Galen Davis and Zuzonna Huot will update a blog, Acadia: Nature as Teacher,​ posting photos, thoughts and comments from participants. This celebration will culminate in a two-week-long exhibit at the Gallery Within at RFS. Please note the following dates:
Artists’ Opening: August 14th, 2-5 pm
Writers’ Reading: August 21st, 2 pm
Exhibit: August 14-28, open 12- 4​ pm Thursday -Sunday
Acadia: Nature as Teacher advances RFS’ mission to encourage spiritual exploration, support the arts, heighten ecological awareness and build community. We hope you will follow our blog and join us at our exhibit and reading this summer.
Participating Artists and Writers
Daksha Bauman - mixed media
Siri Beckman - prints and paintings
Galen Davis - pastel and oil paintings [see her painting "Eben's Head" above]
Beatrix Gates - poetry
Zuzonna Huot - paintings and drawings
Elena Kubler - mixed media on paper
Frederica Marshall - sumie ink and watercolor paintings
Lyn Mayewski - paintings
Susan Barrett Merrill - masks
Tom Moore - writing
Gail Page - paintings
Emily Peake - writing
Amelia Poole - fiber art
Bec Poole - fiber art
Rebekah Raye - sculpture, drawings and paintings
Robert Shetterly - writing
Sherry Streeter - paintings
Pat Wheeler - mixed media