Mon, Nov 14
How Dire is the Climate Crisis?
Time & Location
Nov 14, 2022, 7:00 PM
About the event
A well-researched article in the NY Times presents a picture of our climate situation in an optimistic way. That is, we are on or near a trajectory to minimize future temperature rise to a level that will avoid major climate disasters. In contrast, the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, in describing our climate situation at COP27 speaks about "racing toward the cliff with our foot on the accelerator," "on a highway to climate hell," and that our temperature- rise goal of "1.5 C is on life support." This second perspective is well represented by Katherine Ingram's video.
You are invited to explore both positions represented in the attachments and participate in a discussion that may help you to understand our existential situation better and inform your life-decisions for the future. Hendrik Gideonse, writer and researcher, will provide a short overview of David Wallace-Well's NY Times article Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality is Coming into View.
A Reason for Climate Optimism? DISCUSSION Monday, 11/14 at 7pm