You are invited to a multi-generational gathering to explore our Climate Future on Saturday, October 21st from 2 - 5 PM at the Bagaduce Music Lending Library. Several youth organizations, including Maine Youth for Climate Justice and JUSTME for JUSTUS, will be present, as well as members of local high school ecology clubs. This event is an opportunity for young folks with concerns about our climate future to connect with other like-minded youth. Activities will include a panel presentation composed of current and former College of the Atlantic students, as well as the Island Institute, Community Water Justice, and others reporting on climate matters, followed by discussion. Food will be provided by El El Frijoles. Attendance is free. Other events of the afternoon include live music, line dancing, and poetry. This event is made possible by a grant from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Castine, and is co-sponsored by Reversing Falls Sanctuary, Climate Action Net, Blue Hill Heritage Trust, Earth-in-Brackets, Tilth Arts and Agriculture and Americans Who Tell the Truth. For more information text (Isi) at 207 531 9672